From brokenness to wholeness!

What We Do

Many issues affect vulnerable children and their families in Albania. As an organization our focus is to address the following issues:

  • Children exposed or at risk of being exposed to complex trauma because of neglect, abuse & domestic violence
  • Children & youth journeying without a person caring for them in a personal and transformative way

Our Interventions

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Multifunctional Community Center

Services for children and families at risk

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Eden Park
Camp & Conference Center

A place for hope-giving experiences

Start (Logo)

Trauma & Crisis

Services for trauma focused care and domestic violence

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Capacity Building 
& Networking

Support to children ministry’s workers & leader


In 2023, your donations helped achieve:

Customers served! 6 Children Protected From Violence & Abuse
Customers served! 6 Families Empowered
Family at home
Customers served! 6 Resources Translated and Created
Customers served! 6 Practitioners trained in Trauma Informed Care
Meeting icon
Customers served! 6 Children have increased their well-being and resilience
Children playing icon

Let this brief report be an encouragement for each one of us in our journey towards growth!

Click on the image to discover our 20-year journey...